答案 1:
不要为了短期利益最大化而牺牲了大众利益 "Don"t be evil" is said to recognize that large corporations often maximize short-term profits with actions that may not be in the best interests of the public. Supposedly, by instilling a Don"t Be Evil culture, the corporation establishes a baseline for honest decision-making that disassociates Google from any and all cheating. This in turn can enhance the trust and image of the corporation that outweighs short-term gains from violating the Don"t Be Evil principles. en.wikipedia.org/wiki..."t_be_evil -
答案 2:
当时是用来BS微软的.. -
答案 3:
记得去谷歌面试时,面试官也问过我这个问题。我的回答是:用人性化的科技让生活更幸福,用平和的心态去赚取应得的商业价值。 -
答案 4:
在利益面前保持道德底线、用户至上的观念 -
答案 5:
看百度的页面和谷歌有什么差别,你就知道答案了。 你懂的 -
答案 6:
不为利益而未被基本的职业道德。不为强权而做出背离普世价值的事情。。 -
答案 7:
有道德的赚钱 -
答案 8:
感觉还是《浪潮之巅》里吴军老师说的最明白,这里只说我印象最深的几点: -
答案 9:
Google 的「不作恶」到底是什么意思?
2012-01-19 19:40:54 来源: 点击:
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