答案 1:
The first day, the karta pours water on the ground in which the stones are buried. This is done at both sites. In the home site, you break tender coconuts and pour on the stone site. This is done accompanied by mantras. The idea is to quench the thirst of the deceased person. This goes on for another 9 days. Then there are separate functions on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th days.少年,能进知乎你应该会google吧。wiki:en.wikipedia.org/wiki...我能看到的区别,中国首先要算一个日子,这个日子在一个月内,接着下葬。下葬开始过七七(共七周),每一七都要去。七七过后,才算结束。
2012-01-19 19:50:51 来源: 点击: