OS X Lion 的简体中文界面有哪些翻译 bug? 2012-01-19 20:16:45 来源: 点击:
OS X Lion 的简体中文界面有哪些翻译 bug?包括 OS X 的自带 app,比如 iTunes。请说清楚错误的翻译在哪里可以看到,并阐述应当翻译成什么样。最好能给出英语界面下的原文(在「语言与文本」设置里把「English」拖到最高,然后新开启的 app 都会尽量使用英语界面 )。最好还能分析一下翻译错误的可能原因(比如没有参照上下文、或者译者的某方面专业知识不足)。我希望多收集一些然后统一从http://bugreport.apple.com汇报。
从beta 开始一直都没有改过来的bug:字体册中Unicode 支持的「凉山规范彝文」都被显示成「四川话」,进而和「中文」、「中文(简体中文)」排列在一起,十分喜感。我已经提交过这个bug,原文在此:Error of translation of "Sichuan Yi" in font book.app06-Apr-2011 08:27 AM Cheng XIONG:Summary: An error occurs in the translation of "Sichuan Yi" under the Chinese and Japanese vision of font book.app .Steps to Reproduce: open font book.app in Chinese(both simplified and traditional vision) or Japanese system environment, click on any font that supports Sichuan Yi characters(e.g STHeiti), view the supprted languages in its properties.Expected Results: 四川彝语Actual Results: 四川话Regression: font book.app in OS other than Lion, for Sichuan Yi is a novel unicode feature supported by Mac OS only from version 10.7Notes: "四川彝语" is the mother tongue of Yi(a minority ehnic group) people living in Sichuan Province while "四川话" are understood to be a dialect of Chinese spoken by dwellers of Sichuan Province.06-Apr-2011 10:51 PM Cheng XIONG:an update: a better translation of "Sichuan Yi" would be "凉山规范彝文", which is the only subset of Yi characters (the collection of the writing systems of various dialects of Yi language) supported as an unicode feature.