首页 > 教育学习 > 为什么 > 浏览器敲网址按回车之后的各种技术细节都有什么?

2012-01-19 20:11:01   来源:   点击:


    4 个答案

    • 答案 1:

      Quote:There’s no right, or even complete, answer for this question. This question allows you to go into arbitrary amounts of detail depending on what you’re comfortable with. Here’s a start though:1. Browser contacts the DNS server to find the IP address of URL.2. DNS returns back the IP address of the site.3. Browser opens TCP connection to the web server at port 80.4. Browser fetches the html code of the page requested.5. Browser renders the HTML in the display window.6. Browser terminates the connection when window is closed.One of the most interesting steps is Step 1 and 2 - “Domain Name Resolution.” The web addresses we type are nothing but an alias to an IP address in human readable form. Mapping of domain names and their associated Internet Protocol (IP) addresses is managed by the Domain Name System (DNS), which is a distributed but hierarchical entity.Each domain name server is divided into zones. A single server may only be responsible for knowing the host names and IP addresses for a small subset of a zone, but DNS servers can work together to map all domain names to their IP addresses. That means if one domain name server is unable to find the IP addresses of a requested domain then it requests the information from other domain name servers.
    • 答案 2:

    • 答案 3:

    • 答案 4:

      首先你要明白你输入的是什么:一般网址形式是aa://bb:cc/ aa代表使用网络协议,最常见的就是http和https以及ftp等,bb代表的是域名,cc代表的是端口号。由于你考虑的是浏览器,我就对http来做个简单的说明,如果是https等,就要复杂点。1 按下回车后,你的浏览器首先会去本地hosts查找对应域名的IP地址,如果没有找到,那么将会连接到DNS服务器,获取该域名对应的IP地址。2 浏览器获得IP地址之后,将会向指定IP,指定端口号(端口号缺省为80)的服务器建立TCP连接,不是UDP。3 连接建立之后,服务器将会返回相关页面的HTML文档,浏览器收到html文档之后,对html进行分析,由于http协议是不连续的,因此对html中的什么图片连接,CSS连接等又要向服务器进行再次请求。所以我们用什么开发人员工具观察网络的时候,经常看到一次流浪过程中可能要请求几十个文件。4 对html进行渲染,执行javascript。5 连接不会关闭的,而是keep-alive,除非你自己指定关闭。这只是一个大概过程,浏览器把底层通讯等复杂操作封装了。

