答案 1:
Quote是逐字逐句的原文引用,而Cite只是提起,这个词在美国法官判决中较常见,援引某个案例,不需要原文叙述,只是提一下。 -
答案 2:
你可以cite a quotation,但不能quote a citation。Cite是引用的定位(书名、章节、页码)。Quote是引用的内容。 -
答案 3:
补充雷叔的解释,如果你学计算机的话可以这样理解:cite 引用是指针,需要 dereference 才能得到实际的内容,而 quote 引用则是直接复制内容【虽然不一定是原样完整的复制】。 -
答案 4:
"Quote"是一字不差的重复它人说过或写过的话。“Cite"是引用它人说过的话来作为你个人论点的凭证。 -
答案 5:
quote 1、 to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written , 2、to give something as an example to support what you are saying , SYN cite . cite 1、 to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation , 2、 to give the exact words of something that has been written, especially in order to support an opinion or prove an idea , SYN quote .
英文单词 Quote 和 Cite 有什么区别?
2012-01-19 17:27:19 来源: 点击: