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2012-01-19 17:27:22   来源:   点击:

    Hardcore应该怎么翻译为好?我借這個題幹用一下。“Hardcore,man, fucking hardcore!”怎麼翻譯? --by trueyoung

    15 个答案

    • 答案 1:

      “Hardcore,man, fucking hardcore!” 这句话我直接理解成褒义,就是「劲,兄弟,真他妈够劲儿的!」 然后看看 hardcore 在 urbandictionary 上的词条,可读性非常强。 解释一:A branch of underground/indie music influenced by faster abrasive punk rock. Originating in the early 80’s as a variant of punk rock, hardcore evolved to a modern sound that can be compared to non commercial metal. The constant themes range from Straight Edge, to Politics, to Positive and Negative. 这就是集中在音乐上的意思,估计这跟色情文化一起,就是 hardcore 被流行文化广泛使用的起源。 解释二:Intense. Relentless. 这基本上就是我理解的「劲」的意思。 解释三:There was a time when hardcore was more than music, it was a movement. Anyone, regardless of how well they could play an instrument could express themselves musically in ways tooaggressive, too brutal and in most circumstances too honest for even edgy mainstream music. It was a time when bands were willing to push the envelope while breaking all the rules, and didn"t let the fact that they had to do it all by themselves stop them. True hardcore is anunstoppablemessage, totallyseparatefrom the countless trends (from Bleached hair to Girl Jeans) that have come and gone. It"s going to a show with 9 kids or 1000 kids who are perfect strangers or your best friends, and knowing that everyone in the room with a soul is compelled with the same unmatched intensity, to "think how they want to think", to "do what they know is right" to "be what they want to be" and never let anyone even think they can stop them. I think over the years we"ve all gotten spoiled to the point where we don"t care about much more than what we have, how many "babes we can slay" (if you"re a dude) and above all else, our social status. People get so caught up in that shit that they can"tunderstandthe value of something that doesn"t provide any material benefit or make them appear special in whatever way, yet it has the capacity to empower every kid to live life to the fullest, be his/herself and have a shit-ton of fun in the process. I think it"s unfortunate that people these days pick out all the ... 这段话有不少奇怪的拼写错误,我改掉了。以此可以推出这多半是一个年轻孩子写的。(要是中年人的话,他们在乎自己不出拼写错误,就跟在乎脑袋上没有一根直竖在外的头发、书房里看不到半点食物的踪影一样??) 理所当然啦,真正追求内心狂野最大可能释放的 hardcore 自然不会在乎犯下多少拼写错误?? 这是我最喜欢的一个解释。我的理解是,它在说 hardcore 代表一种生活态度,一种懒得顺应社会大流(material benefit 和 to appear special 就是美国的个人主义最根本的出发点)的不屑的眼神,而且这不屑的理由不仅仅是为了反叛而反叛(那应该走到「Rebel without a Cause 流」上去,跟 hardcore 是不同的),而是为了让自己的生活体验达致一种极限(to live life to the fullest)。不难想象,在这种态度底下经过的年轻人,等到激情稍微沉淀之后,至少会有更多机会不被社会中庸化掉。 (其实,后来中庸与否,恐怕跟这个 hardcore 的「诚实度」密切相关。大家都明白啦,总归有很多人喜欢在年轻的时候装一点叛逆什么的,因为那是够 cool 的玩意儿,不诚实的意思是你这个叛逆不是发自内心的。其实 Rebel without a Cause 在我心目中就是装的一种。不过,那是很题外的题外话了??) (题外话就题外到底??,这样的人里面,其实也有大家拥戴的乔帮主哦。近来看见有文章说他年轻的时候信奉的是「以明日将死的方式生存」,这个观点,跟这段话有精神上的共鸣。) 有奖征答一下: 最后一句没有写完 I think it"s unfortunate that people these days pick out all the ... 我认为 ... 是 shit。这句话的意思是「如今的人们(放弃好东西)光挑出些垃圾(留给自己),我想这真可悲。」有没有别的思路? === 后面还有解释四,五、六?? 多少重复前面的,不过也有值得一看的地方:urbandictionary.com/define... 最后,多谢真年轻先生的邀请! === 更新线 === 谢谢 @Lawrence Li 提醒,这句话来自电影 Full Metal Jacket。网上有一个很详细的解读 collativelearning.com/FMJ%20pt... As Jokers face changes to the thousand yard stare, one of the Lusthogs tells him: “Hardcore man. Fucking hardcore”. The word ‘hardcore’ is synonymous with pornography, and so we have yet another sexual reference in the scene. So have you guessed what the hidden narrative of the scene is? It is a symbolic repetition of the prostitute gang bang scene … 估计这方才是此句正解:hardcore 在俚语中几乎跟「暴力性行为」等同,这个词的存在就揭示了这群人暴力中的性的成分。剧本在这里:corky.net/scripts...
    • 答案 2:

      说明里的那种表达我猜是强调某种?正?,严格、极致地坚持了某种──只有一小部分人才能做到的──习惯、规矩、态度之类的东西。好比形容某宅男是?死宅?,这个?死?挺接近 hardcore 的意思的。 我建议用?死硬派?(虽然有些 dull),如果有更多的上下文,可以根据语境做一些组合,那样能生动些。
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    • 答案 4:

      問題補充說明中的句子來自 Stanley Kubrick 的电影《Full Metal Jacket》,情節我就不說了,以免劇透。把這段視頻截取出來大家看看: lawrencelry.tumblr.com/post... Lazy Matha Fucka 在某首歌的開頭採樣了那一段。 我認為可以用粵語譯為:「頂啊……頂啊!」(見《買兇派人》裡葛民輝殺人後張達明的反應。)當然那就沒有了原文的冷靜。 另外很多語境裡的 hardcore 不是跟今天大家愛說的重口味很接近嗎?
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    • 答案 7:

      fpga里面,称为硬核,指布局布线已经确定了的功能单元,一般是在接口单元(比如:mac,pcie,ddr3 controler),fpga设备厂商支持你自己制作(实质是产生自己定义的门;逻辑;布线关系);
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    • 答案 13:

      在Diablo里,有个游戏模式叫做Hardcore(简称HC),一般翻译成“骨灰级”、“骨灰玩家”或“专家级”。在HC模式下,玩家的角色一旦死亡就无法再复活继续游戏,所有积累下来的的物品和财产全部都会被清空,数百小时的努力都会付之一炬,失误一次就将一无所有。 可以说选择HC模式的玩家都是Hardcore。个人感觉Hardcore代表了一种无畏得失,笑对死亡,追求极限的潇洒态度。 “The more it hurts to die, the more you want to stay alive. That"s the reason to be hardcore.” 参考帖子: d.163.com/11/0905...
    • 答案 14:

    • 答案 15:



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