答案 1:
Jacky Chu 是我在atlanta认识的朋友,中国人叫Jacky的很多,姓朱的也不少。如果我用马甲的话,也不会有这么高的IQ设置一个同名同姓的马甲。谢谢夸奖 -
答案 2:
It is an honor to be mentioned as 朱松清, even thought I wish so much I could be him, intelligent,retired young, yetpassionate and love to share. We met in Atlanta, IFC. I am not sure if there are any friends who go to altanta CDC" IFC. who can testify for us. I do follow him, I am not sure why he is not following me. I have to admit that I am a fan of his.I do not have much time like him to spend so much time on zhihu, I have to work for my job, he is taking zhihu as his job. But, I did post somethingzhihu.com/question... I think that if zhihu can check ip, they will see we are in different country. -
答案 3:
这两个家门真还有点意思,开始也一直认为他们是同一个人,仔细发现以后是两个人样。 -
答案 4:
@朱松清 和 @Jacky Chu 是同一个人吗?
2012-01-19 17:27:18 来源: 点击:
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