答案 1:
科幻界公认的第一部科幻小说是《科学怪人》(佛兰肯斯坦),由玛丽·雪莱写于1818年。1818年已经发明了纺纱机,但蒸汽机尚未出现。看你如何定义工业革命的时间了。 -
答案 2:
工业革命前粗略的说就是幻想类小说(后来有类就成了哥特小说)——例如《弗兰肯斯坦》其实哥特气质极浓,算不上是多严格的科幻,因为那时候没啥大规模应用的技术,基于技术的想象就更稀少了。科技革命前有科技想象小说吗?约等于没有。 -
答案 3:
最早的科幻小说:True History by Lucian of Samosata This is widely thought to be the first ever science fiction story, dating from the 2nd century AD. (This is a 17th-century Dutch edition.) True History is about a war to rule the Morning Star by the kings of the Moon and the Sun. Some of its notable characters include dog-faced men fighting on winged acorns, cloud-centaurs and stalk-and-mushroom men. The illustration shows a battle between the Moon and Sun people. References1. guardian.co.uk/books...
2012-01-19 17:46:24 来源: 点击: