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2012-01-19 18:15:43   来源:   点击:

    宇宙起源,维系的理论基础是什么?这是我和牧师的邮件,其中似乎解决了很多问题,请多指教。因为字数太多,不能发表,把中文部分放这里,他应该在我的翻译哪里道家易经提出与图绎的命题如下:母体:明确的宇宙母体,称《太上》、《空虚》、《道》;有封:明确的宇宙本体“有封”的《虚空》;导出:“有封”量恒;鸡子:明确的宇宙“有封”阴阳液流的混沌状态;弦者:明确的宇宙母体的始基,是《弦罗网》结构的中性体;这是《弦论》;无极:明确的万维轴球体球膜架构;确定,宇宙体的网络结构;元汽:明确的宇宙体的基态物质;这是《一元论》;弦精:明确的大自然体太初的两种《电中性体》物质;九天:明确的宇宙体存在九重《罗网》的球体球网;太极:明确的宇宙体物质存在的、两类流体基态与互动易流;这是《二元论》;反者:明确的宇宙体物质《反者对》流量的互动,是宇宙体的第一源动力;敛张:明确的宇宙体的《反者对》(引力与斥力),令宇宙体具《原始弹性》;开阖:明确的宇宙体的《收缩相》与《膨胀相》行为;弱强:明确的宇宙体演化行为只呈现两种形式:弱势收缩坍塌、强势开放膨胀;弱者:明确的宇宙体弱能《电中性》的《精》,是“不竭”能源、“弱能守恒”;生生:明确的宇宙体的演化、是重重复复的互逆互动;复归:明确的大自然《时空反演》行为:《开阖收引》与《敛张缩胀》的《反者对》互动易替。复归的形态是,以《精》为永恒的球座标轴,自旋粒子以阴阳两正弦波圆柱流体缠绕着轴。作左右反缠上下逆绕的、双螺旋体的周期易流运动;  故,《精》、无端不竭;《道》、易无始终!  道家易经断言,宇宙母体的弱能造物创生,是弱《反者对》互动易流的必然。断定,在一“有封”的《空虚》的互动易流、总量守恒!  当代的粒子、粒场、胶子、镜像、对称、超弦、膨胀、坍缩、婴儿、弱力、强力、能量、奇点、《混沌性》与《原始弹性》等等的前沿科学、观察、实验、概念、论证、原理与法则;如,《洪特规则》与《泡利不相容原理》、《超弦的标准模型》、《宇宙网》、《P膜》、《M-理论》与《明暗物质圈环》等等,恰如其分地印证,道家易经在自然科学的领域里,关于物质的微观和宏观构思的描述,与模型的描绘、推演与明确的预言。道家易经构思的模型与预言、是科学的模型与预言:  无极球,是宇宙母体的太初始基模型;球面、是母体的阳精太初始基模型;圆平面,是宇宙母体的《电中性的原始虚空》太初始基模型;无疑,《电中性物质》是《暗物质》;《暗物质》无电性,在一定条件下、《暗物质》粒子可裂化为《电阳性》与《电阴性》两类粒子;  易经太极图,是宇宙本体的太初始基模型;黑白鱼形,是宇宙本体《太初黑洞》的始基模型、与骨架模型;阴阳两精,是宇宙本体两大粒子流体的太初始基模型;  太极球导出《超弦对称的标准模型》的确立;这就确定、球心一点是《宇宙的奇点》;《奇点》的确立,就是确定、宇宙本体之前的《大爆炸》在球心发生;《量子力学》与《m维轴球体网球体》导出宇宙本体的《旋涡流体》;《旋涡流体》演化成宇宙本体的《骨架》;人类的科学,就跨越宇宙本体发生的《混沌》历程;《混沌》的跨越、导出《九重天》架构:《九重》的架构,解决大自然的物质总量配置的比例;一开一阖的演化周期,就导出与完成了宇宙体的《历史求和》。  《易经》,以单一模型图绎求解《宇宙混沌》、《历史之和》。yuceshi.com/ytxw...

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      Dear Pastor NateThanks for taking your time with him for sharing of the my lengthy talk abouthow john1 1-6 might hold the real key to unify both Chinese taoism philosophy and quantum mechanics to explain how the universe as it is NOW. I will make some conclusions here for review and discussions latter . Here I use the word Dao for (word in bible, Dao in taoim, information in Physics)First, In Bible John1 1:61. In thebeginning, there is Dao,The world was created by Dao, and for Dao,in Dao islife,and the life was the light.2. in John 8:58, the presence of Jesus, when he said that "I am" before Abraham.....it is not talking about Jesus is not limited to time back and forth ----but he actually was in both places and times when he was talking to the Disciples3. There is a time before the beginning of our world, in Gen1:1"In the beginning,God created heaven and earth" which defines time (the beginning, or as most big bang theory),space and matter---the 3 basic element of physics. When Hawking proclaims it as a new scientific breakthrough that there is a time before the big bang. John said it 2000 years ago in John 17:5"...before the world begin."Now,let"s first start with holographic principle.Bekenstein"s topical overview "A Tale of Two Entropies" describes potentially profound implications of Wheeler"s trend in part by noting a previously unexpected connection between the world of information theory and classical physics. This connection was first described shortly after the seminal 1948 papers of American applied mathematician Claude E. Shannon introduced today"s most widely used measure of information content, now known as Shannon entropy. As an objective measure of the quantity of information, Shannon entropy has been enormously useful, as the design of all modern communications and data storage devices, from cellular phones to modems to hard disk drives and DVDs, rely on Shannon entropy.Shannon"s efforts to find a way to quantify the information contained in, for example, an e-mail message, led him unexpectedly to a formula with the same form as Boltzmann"s. Bekenstein summarizes that "Thermodynamic entropy and Shannon entropy are conceptually equivalent: the number of arrangements that are counted by Boltzmann entropy reflects the amount of Shannon information one would need to implement any particular arrangement..." of matter and energy. The only salient difference between the thermodynamic entropy of physics and the Shannon"s entropy of information is in the units of measure; the former is expressed in units of energy divided by temperature, the latter in essentially dimensionless "bits" of information, and so the difference is merely a matter of convention.[citation needed]Hence,Energy, matter, and information areequitable to each otheren.wikipedia.org/wiki...Then,Let us look at The Chinese Ancient philosophyDao in itself to be the source of all life forms as well as the totality of all existence. This Dao predates Heaven and Earth; it is Nonbeing, from which all beings emerge. Dao does not “create” however. All things simply follow naturally from Dao.It all begins from “Total Emptiness” known as “Wu-ji 无极” and derived to “Tai ji 太极” which is the basis of positive (Yang 阳) represented by the white shade area and the negative (Yin 阴) is a solid black area. Ancient scholars believed that everything is formed by positive and negative forces or some form of energy. This is the basis of the ON and OFF, darkness and brightness,etc… The co-existence of the polarities to form balance within the Tai-Ji theory.The Dao paradim is like this,1.The master,or Dao.2."self contain systems" (SCS) in bigger self contain systems, and they communicate with each other and with The Dao.3.Every SCSmust have the flow of yin and yan dymatically in chaos,yet balance dymatically.4,All system is deviate from the Master,and be mutaully neutral to each other.5.The SCSare in a web relationship. The universe is like an organicglobalweb of these systems5.The requirement of constantmacroscopicstate,to sustain our daily life.6.The most important dorctrine,All systems must seek to communicate with the Dao,天人合一7.The univere is a organic being with sense and purpose,and related outside of spacetime ,as one of the most interesting predictions of the General Theory of Relativity is that this changing curvature can travel through space, much like a wave across water. If we spin a paddle in water, waves travel out across the surface of the water. The Earth orbiting the Sun is just like a paddle spinning and stirring up spacetime so that gravitational wavestravel out across spacetime.zhihu.com/question...里有这段的中文。Please refer to the txt above for Chinese DaoI am very poor in translating ancient chinese text. But, I truly think in Yijing, the concept of a self-contain systems (SCS) web as the universe will be regarded as revolutionary now. A scs can be a virus,a bateria,a sand or a big eco-system.Whatever the SCS is,they are self-contain with the flow of yin and yan dymatically in chaos,yet balance dymatically. And they are all related in a big ORGNIC cosmos global web. That is why the 64 gua of yi-jing can manifest all the effects of the universe.Now,I know the answer why there is a big bright star when Jeuse was born. Also,at this time we can safely conclude that from the taoism practical applications and Shannon entropy that Information ,Matter and energy are equal.Now it comes to a very interesting point----They are all correct! the Word in John 1, the Dao,the Information are the same. But,what is the name for the 3,so that we can make everybody happy. As you can see, I was typing all night,about 10 hours just try to orgnize these thoughts. I was tired and try to just reply your email.Then, I found the email which I wrote last year about my love affairs--please read it again! --as I edit it.Now, I know the answer to connect the West,the East,the Universe and God, It isLOVELove is theharmoniesstate that ourancientfathers were looking for to be united with the heavens 天人合一。Love is what the scientist searching for the final theory that can unify all the theories,and produce a harmonious cosmology that people will want to accept.Love is what Kent is searching in his conscious and the stars over his head.Love is what we are looking for in our life, To love and to be loved is the greatest Joy we ever have.LOVE is the name of GOD,Jesus is LoveSo,In the beginning was the Dao, and the Dao made everything. The Dao continues to bring light and life to everyone in the world, through the Dao everything holds together.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 12:03 AM, HALS < halsintl@gmail.com > wrote:Dear Pastor,The following thoughts were in my minds these days and feel it compelled to share with you.When you try stop thinking, in stead, try being a watcher of yoursef ---the thinker.Then,you start to listen to your thoughts--rather than being occupied by it.You will feel a conscious presence--your deeper self.Then,your thoughts will lost its power to you and quickly subsidize, because you are no longer energizing the mind.When the thoughts goes away graduately, you will have a "no-mind" state.In this state you feel a certain stillness and peace inside you, it is the beginning state you connect with the being, the spirit of God,You will feel a subtle emanation of joy arising from deep within..By being a watcher of your feelings like pain,You will also realize that pain is only an illusion of the mind.So,watch whatever you feel within, rather be taken over by it, it afford an opportunity for powerful spiritual healing from God"s power.When I try to be a watcher of own being.I got this revelation when I was walking in the street. All of suddent, I felt the love of God is flourish from every everything, everwhere, the people, the stone, the lamp...., they are all manifest of God"s love.I felt that I am all surround by the LOVE, The feeling was so intense that I could not even breath,I was standing by the street,, people look at me like a mental patient,Then, I realized that I myself is a form of the expression of God"s LOVE,Suddenly, I was above myself, seems like I am looking at myself standing on the street,And, I was in a state of indescripable bliss and peace and Joy.I feltlove all over me, I am in a love relationship again !,My soul rejoices and praise and thank GOD for his LOVE and creation.GOD created everything in the universe point to one ultimate creature—the human being----- with little cosmos deviation, we won’t be here.And God created all these with one principle -LOVE,So that the essence of all the things are love, .So that he can love us and we can love him, We Can love each other.For God is LOVEFurther more, everything Visible or invisible is manifest of God"s LOVE.


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