
2021-04-22 10:33:59 作者: 恭贺画家董永



Dong Yonggao, No. Tianshan Mo, Zhai Mo Habitat, born in November 1965, Wuwei City, Gansu Province, graduated from Kuitun Institute of Education, Xinjiang, studied in Zhonghe Academy. He is currently a national first-class calligrapher, an expert from the World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, an honorary president of the famous Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting, a member of the Chinese American Association, a national first-class painter, a member of the Chinese Academy of painting and calligraphy, and a member of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting.


In recent years, his works have been included in "Chinese calligraphy and painting Gold Award author style "," Chinese calligraphy art treasure house "," Chinese expert dictionary ","21 century outstanding expert "," Chinese excellent calligraphy and painting fine grand view "," Chinese celebrity ceremony "," century outstanding expert talent name "," Chinese contemporary calligraphy works selected-Dong Yonggao" and so on, won the community highly affirmed and praised.


Mr. Dong Yonggao's works have been collected by the Russian National Museum of Art ,208 meters by the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, has won the "advanced teachers of the autonomous region ", the" century elite Chinese calligraphy and painting competition "gold medal ," Zhonghe lighthouse cup" gold medal ,"2005 International Golden Autumn Competition "gold medal, Chinese culture and art lifetime achievement award, calligraphy and painting art silver award, the first calligraphy and painting health national calligraphy and painting artists invited to exhibition gold award, by the International Chinese Culture and Art Association awarded" outstanding honorary members ", by the Chinese calligraphy and painting Association awarded "100 Chinese famous Chinese calligraphy and painting artists ", by the Chinese International Association of artists awarded "Chinese outstanding cultural celebrities ", Awarded by the Chinese Association of Literary and Art Writers" Chinese Contemporary Outstanding Meritorious Artists ", by the Chinese Association of National artists "the top 500 Chinese painting and calligraphy artists ", by the International Association of Chinese Culture and Art" Outstanding Chinese Literature and Art Award ", by the China International Asia News Agency "China Art Outstanding Achievement Award "," calligraphy and painting Art Gold Award ", by the Chinese Art Society awarded" Deyi Shuangxin artists ", by the International Association of Chinese Talent experts awarded "Chinese Contemporary Cultural celebrities" and other honorary titles, so that Mr. Dong Yonggao's calligraphy art level reached a high level of perfection.


Appreciation of some works by calligraphy and painter Dong Yonggao:

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