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2011-12-03 15:02:39   来源:   点击:




    1996年起开始巡回演出全台10多县市,多元专业的演出成功的将高雄市精致艺术介绍给全省观众,特别是演出台湾首演芭蕾全剧[1997-1998古典芭蕾全剧-黑暗王国La Bayade`re]、「2000神话芭蕾舞剧-哪吒闹海 Na-Za」、「2001与中国辽宁芭蕾舞团合作-梁祝Lianzhu」、「2002海盗 Le Corsaire」、「2002四季 The Four Seasons」、「2003祭礼Rite」、2003更应韩国的邀请於首尔市盛大演出2场创作芭蕾「莲花Lotus」,「2004浪漫芭蕾全剧-仙女La Sylphide」,「2005代表国家参加德国举办2005世界运动会闭幕典礼演出,并巡演德国与法国5场」,「2005创作芭蕾倾城之恋」,「2006古典芭蕾Paquita &创作芭蕾 绽」「2007-2009古典戏曲文学芭蕾舞剧-牡丹亭」「2008 Yes,Ballet」等精湛演出; 2004起更为发掘年轻编舞人才推出创作芭蕾「2004-2009点子鞋 Dance Shoe」巡演於台北台南与高雄,连续六年均获得很高评价。

    Kaohsiung City Ballet

    The Kaohsiung City Ballet (KCB) was founded by Artistic Director Chang Hsiu-ru in Aug. 1992. As of 2009, the KCB has entered its 17th anniversary. The purpose of the KCB's establishment was to consolidate professional ballet dancers in southern Taiwan and to spare no effort in promoting ballet in the region. Other than its missions to provide a career opportunity for graduates in dance major, and to raise the performing arts standard in southern Taiwan, the KCB has trained and distinguished numerous ballet talents. The KCB has been depicted as a distinguished group in performing arts by the Executive Yuan’s Council for Cultural Affairs for nine consecutive years since 2001. It not only follows the tradition of ballet, but also strives for artistic creation. It is hoped that ballet will flourish and more ballet performances will be staged in the South. The KCB will continue with its sustainable development and gets abreast of the current trend of globalization.

    Since 1996, the KCB has begun its performance arts tours in a dozen of cities and counties in Taiwan. Its successful rendition of dance performances has impressed the audience in the south, and especially the following themes performed over the past years include Na-cha Causing Disturbance in the Sea in 2000, The Butterfly Lovers in 2001, The Four Seasons and Le Corsaire in 2002, Dancing Lives in 2003, The Rite in 2003, The Dance Shoe in 2004, La Sylphide in 2004, Love in Cities in 2005 , Paquita & Blossom in 2006,The Peony Pavilion in 2007,Yes!Ballet in 2007,The Peony Pavilion in Taipei 2009, and The Dance Shoe start 2004. Apart from searching for ballet talents. The newly produced 2004-2009 Dance Shoe is to render the audience with professional ballet spectacles. It is noteworthy that squeezing these dances in a micro theater setting brings challenges and invigorates more innovative ideas in line with this ever-advancing era.


    中文关键字: 芭蕾舞团, , 张秀如, , 高雄城市芭蕾, , 儿童芭蕾, , 专业芭蕾,

    英文关键字Kaohsiung City Ballet , Kaohsiung Ballet , Chang Hsiuru


    1. www.kcb.org.tw
    2. 网路剧院

