
2023-02-05 15:42:32 作者: 从白俄罗斯到





  雅尼的故乡维捷布斯克是世界著名画家、先锋派代表人物马克 · 夏加尔 (Marc chagall,1887—1985年) 的家乡。虽然他年轻时便离开了家乡,移居到了法国巴黎,但夏加尔一生的创作都离不开维捷布斯克的风景以及在那里遇到的挚爱——贝拉(Bella)。比起夏加尔,雅尼要幸运得多,因为在她内心的风景画中,不仅有年少记忆中的维捷布斯克,也有青春纪念册中的圣彼得堡,更有如今作为理想安栖之所的杭州。从一个故乡到另一个故乡,她收获了许多宝贵的人生财富,比如独一份的跨国回忆、携手同行的伴侣、延续希望的下一代,等等。当然,其中也包括“耐心”——耐心地做好自己,从容地去适应一切变化,不断扩展自身的深度、广度和宽度,并从中发现乐趣。

  Home Away from Home

  The slender, attractive young mother standing right here is from Belarus. She speaks fluent Chinese and even has a beautiful Chinese name, Cai Yani.

  Yani, or Tatsiana Kamarova has two kids whose mother tongues are Chinese and Russian. Because of the environment they grow up in, Chinese is more familiar to them. The elder one is already in primary school in Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang province. When asked what she expects from her children in the future, Yani said: “I hope they will find a hobby outside of their studies and be patient no matter what. This kind of patience is an attitude of doing things, and I hope they can constantly explore and discover how deep and detailed something can be.”

  It turns out that “patience” is not only the key word in Yani’s educating her kids, but also the best footnote in her journey from her childhood practicing piano to learning Chinese in college, and finally to her decision to settle down in Hangzhou for love.

  The perseverance she showed on the path of learning art and language in her youth, the colorful life and the cross-cultural experience she has enjoyed after coming to a foreign country and establishing a family have not only forged her character — patience, but also made her always keep an open, inclusive and peaceful mind, to protect the people she loves and find the beauty around her. More importantly, they have also shaped her love for the two countries that together give her a full life — Belarus and China.

  Belarus has a rich and unique art and culture heritage, and the Belarusian nation has created many excellent literary and artistic works.

  Yani's hometown, Vitebsk city, the capital of Vitebsk Oblast (Region), is a large railway hub located in the northeastern part of Belarus along the Western Dvina River. Vitebsk Oblast is rich in natural resources and contains the country’s largest forests distribution. Architecture remains dating to the 12th-century can still be found in the city, which is dotted with history museums and universities. It is regarded as the “art capital” of Belarus.


  Born into a family of art, Yani began to learn to play the piano at the age of seven, influenced by her mother. When she hit puberty, she considered giving up piano for other interests, but her mother’s words, which she still remembers today, dissuaded her: “You should study some classics.” And piano is believed by her mother to be the most classic form of art, which demands lots of patience. So Yani carried on, and still plays it now.