
2022-08-12 19:38:54 作者: 立陶宛官员窜



We strongly condemn the act of Lithuania's anti-China forces to deliberately infringe on China's sovereignty and grossly interfere in China's domestic affairs. The one-China principle is a basic norm in international relations and the political foundation on which China develops bilateral relations with all other countries including Lithuania. The Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Lithuania clearly stipulates that the Government of the Republic of Lithuania recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and Taiwan as an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania undertakes the obligation not to establish official relations or engage in official contacts with Taiwan. However, Lithuania has time and again reneged on its commitment and apparently been acting in bad faith.


China will act resolutely in response to the egregious provocation of certain individuals in Lithuania to challenge the one-China principle and undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge certain people in Lithuania to stop being the pawn of the "Taiwan independence" and anti-China forces and stop moving even further down the wrong path.

来源:人民日报 外交部官网