每日新闻播报(June 16)

2021-06-16 17:42:54 作者: 每日新闻播报


Penguins are seen on an iceberg in Antarctica, Feb. 15, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

>New Southern Ocean recognized


Anyone who thought the world had four oceans will now have to think again, after the National Geographic Society announced it would recognize a new Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.


National Geographic said the Southern Ocean consists of the waters surrounding Antarctica, out to 60-degrees south latitude.


National Geographic Society geographer Alex Tait said scientists have long known that the waters surrounding Antarctica form a "distinct ecological region defined, by ocean currents and temperatures".


"We think it's really important from an educational standpoint, as well as from a map-labeling standpoint, to bring attention to the Southern Ocean as a fifth ocean," Tait said. "So when students learn about parts of the ocean world, they learn it's an interconnected ocean, and they learn there are these regions called oceans that are really important, and there's a distinct one in the icy waters around Antarctica."


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