
2022-10-14 19:02:55 作者: 继电热毯之后

2022年巴黎秋冬时装周才刚刚闭幕,但对欧洲人来说,今年冬天男装的最火单品已提前锁定——高领毛衣 (turtleneck)。


法国总统马克龙身着高领毛衣 图 源 : 法新社


French President Emmanuel Macron appeared in a black turtleneck under his trademark blue suit on Oct 3. He and his cabinet ministers have ditched suits and ties and are appearing on television and at press conferences in turtlenecks.

法国总统马克龙身着高领毛衣 图源:法新社


Bruno Le Maire, interviewed by France Inter radio, said: “You will no longer see me with a tie but with a turtleneck. And I think it will be very good, it will allow us to save energy.”

左:法国经济部部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔9月27日发布在自己社交账号上的照片; 右 : 法国总统马克龙10月3日发布于社交平台的讲 话视频截图


最近30天,罗先生公司网店的男士秋季高领毛衣搜索量涨了13倍 图源:红星新闻





France unveiled its energy saving plan which aims to reduce energy consumption by 10% by 2024. To reduce energy consumption by 10% in two years, the government has slated 15 key measures, from reducing heating to a maximum of 19C (66F) in offices to encouraging people to carpool.

为省电,提前熄灯的埃菲尔铁塔 图源:视觉中国


In addition, heating must be lowered in offices, swimming pools and gyms, and the use of hot water must be reduced in offices. Public lighting in the streets will be on for less time and less intensively, companies must commit to switching off the lights in unoccupied buildings, and working from home will be encouraged in public administrations.


France's national broadcaster said from Oct 3 it would begin broadcasting a "power map" to viewers, showing demand for electricity around the country and areas where over-consumption could lead to blackouts.

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