
2020-10-07 16:18:26 作者: 抖音费娘的啊
最近在抖音上有一首歌曲是因为一些抖音网红带火的,最近很多小伙伴都在问“抖音费娘的啊哈是什么歌?”其实这首歌曲是一首由歌手Feder演唱的歌曲《Lordly 》。这首歌曲被大家知晓应该都是看到了大果粒的视频吧?很多小伙伴都是因为大果粒才喜欢这首歌曲,不过这首歌曲本身也是非常好听的哦。  


歌名《Lordly 》 歌词 作曲 : Tienus Konijnenburg/Hadrien FedericoniAnd once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词And once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词I'm from that game strong on my face我脸上写着强者二字I tell 'em don't go, we love, we love, that's my place这是我的地盘,你们都给我待着There's nothing to do, I just do it没别的,我就是真理Nothing but love under the sun大胆去爱And once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词And once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词There lies a kingdom in my heart我心里住着一个王国A reign of light that lights up the dark统治着照亮黑暗的光There's nothing to do, I just do it没别的,我就是真理Nothing but love under the sun大胆去爱And once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词And once we run the show everyone will know我们掌控这场秀,大家有目共睹That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth我们就是真理的代名词 以上就是小编今天为大家带来关于“抖音费娘的啊哈是什么歌?”的全部内容介绍啦,虽然大家知道这首歌曲是因为 费娘的一声“啊哈~”不过这首歌曲也是很好听的啦。 这就是抖音费娘的啊哈是什么歌?-完整版试听链接的全部内容了,希望以上内容对小伙伴们有所帮助,更多详情可以关注我们的中国知识网相关专区,资讯等你发现!