迎进博会 熹澳欧洲与中检山东海外平台成功运营

2020-10-10 12:08:30 作者: 迎进博会 熹

  迎接第三届中国国际进口博览会,促进国际贸易海外产品走进中国,熹澳检测欧洲和中国检验认证集团山东CCIC SD共同开发的全球专业的针对国外产品进入中国在线检测认证申请平台www.ccicstlq.com成功运营。该平台主要服务于需要进入中国的国外产品。海外客户通过在线平台,可以了解更新的中国标准技术法规、完成检测认证服务的在线申请等一系列的服务。目前已经在该平台开展业务的海外客户包括玛莎拉蒂、欧莱雅、LV路易威登、空客、希尔顿等国际知名企业或服务商。平台负责方积极参与协助此次参展中国国际进口博览会的海外客户,努力将平台打造成优质、高效、便捷的全球化检测在线服务平台。中检集团山东CCIC SD(山东商检):中国检验认证集团山东有限公司是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)许可、国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA)资质认定、中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)认可,以“检验、鉴定、认证、测试”为主业的独立第三方检验认证机构。 其前身是中国进出口商品检验总公司山东分公司。熹澳检测(上海)有限公司:是DNV GL Australia 澳大利亚船级社检测认证部(DNV GL Business Assurance AUST PTY LTD)的合格供应商Qualified Vendor。集团年度营业额230亿。澳大利亚的总部在悉尼,同时在珀斯、布里斯班、墨尔本均有分部。技术服务范围包括:澳洲WaterMark、澳标建材ProdutMark、英国WRAS、国际EPD绿色产品认证和生态设计、欧盟CE、北美UPC/IPC等。CCC E-platform open www.ccicstlq.com, the most convenient and complete certification platform to ChinaThe most convenient and powerful platform www.ccicstlq.com for CCC application was open successfully. Customer worldwide can apply online for all your CCC application:- Custom clearance- CCC Certification- CCC Inspection and Audit- CCC Exemption- Third-party ISO 17020 global inspectionCCIC STLQ covers all products categories, equipment under China compulsory certification, supported by our global expert and product technologist to guild you in CCC process.Our international customers can know the latest Chinese standards, certification procedure, authority regulations. We have successfully provide services for many top 500 enterprises in the world. Background of CCIC SD: a group of China Certification & Inspection Group (CCIC) which is the first independent organization dedicated to provide inspection, survey, certification and testing services for import and export goods in China. CCIC owns approximately 400 branches/sub-branches worldwide.








来源: 东方网    | 作者:王新文    | 责编:华晓梅