鹿晗Skin to Skin (Remix)完整歌词分享

2020-08-17 21:36:11 作者: 鹿晗Skin

鹿晗2018全新remix EP「Re: Play」第二支单曲《Skin to skin (Remix) 》由美国制作人 Machinedrum 打造, Machinedrum在美国电子音乐界占有一个特殊的位置,他以其前卫,充满科技感的风格在电子音乐界独树一帜。此次他巧妙地将各种音乐元素融入到这支单曲中,不同层次的音源与鹿晗空灵的嗓音迷幻的碎拍交织,既多彩缤纷又漂浮流动,用音乐带你们穿梭如梦之境。

鹿晗Skin to Skin (Remix)完整歌词分享

skin to skin 这次remix过后 比起缠绵的雪夜 更像情人都市深夜里的互相慰藉 肌肤的触碰是爱的垂询 月亮的阴影里 漂浮的梦境里 黑暗城市的霓虹灯里的稀有气体 忽明忽灭的猜忌与心事 你我的呓语破碎在外太空 成为秘密 告诉我啊 躲开那恼人星星 告诉我永远是你唯一 就算只能永远漂浮在这无人时空里。


Skin to Skin(Remix)[Feat.Machinedrum]真的是太好听了!


Skin to Skin (Remix) - 鹿晗




制作:Clément Picard,Maxime Picard



Take your time

Love me in the middle of your lowest night

I'll be sure to lift you if you promise me

Give me your affection

If I could feel your touch

If I could be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

If I could feel your touch

If I could be your love

Now tell me I'm the only one

Now tell me I'm the only one

Skin to skin

Skin to skin

Take your time

I'll be right here with you in the longest fight

Never will neglect you I'll stay by your side

Never would direct you

If I'm left behind

Will I still feel your touch

Will I still be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

Now tell me I'm the only one

Skin to skin
