抖音Let me see you得给得给是什么歌

2020-11-07 16:18:01 作者: 抖音Let

抖音Let me see you得给得给是什么歌?最近在抖音上又火了一首歌曲,这首歌曲就很魔性,听了的人都觉得是特别的洗脑,但是却奈何不知道歌名,那么下面我们就一起来看看这首歌曲完整版是怎么样的吧。

抖音Let me see you得给得给是什么歌

这首歌的原版歌曲歌名叫做《Swagger》,是由Bombs Away (炸弹乐团)演唱的一首歌曲,而抖音上火起来的版本是莹酱翻唱的版本。


oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh simple

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah simple

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Let's play

Let me see you that get that get

Let me see you bass bass

Let me see you bass bass

Let me see you check it check it

Let me see you that get that get

Let me see you bass bass

Let me see you bass bass

Let me see you bass bass

Boom shaka

Boom shaka

Boom to it again

Boom shaka

Boom shaka

Boom to the right

Right boommmmmmm

Right boommmmmmm

Right boommmmmmm

Let me see you that get that get

Let me see you bass bass

Let me see you that get that get

Let me see you bass bass

Boom shaka boom shaka

Boom to it yes

Boom shaka boom shaka

Boom to it right

这就是抖音Let me see you得给得给是什么歌的全部内容了,希望以上内容对小伙伴们有所帮助,更多详情可以关注我们的中国知识网相关专区,资讯等你发现!